Dazzling Stars

Blog / News

Learning Goes Beyond the Classroom!

Education doesn’t confine itself within the four walls of a classroom. While formal schooling is crucial, learning extends far beyond that realm, encompassing various experiences and environments...

Let’s Get Real About Screen Time

Technology is an inescapable part of our world. It has become an integral part of our daily lives and our children’s daily lives. Technology influences how we and our children work, communicate, and...

Importance of Physical Activity for Children

When most adults think about physical activity, they imagine working out in the gym, running on a treadmill, or lifting weights. But for kids, physical activities can be in the form of structured...

5 Family-Friendly Activities to Enjoy In North-East SG

In the busy world of parenting, fostering empathy in our children is vital for their emotional and social development. As children navigate the intricate web of relationships and interactions...

“I feel how you feel…” The Importance of Raising Empathetic Children

In the busy world of parenting, fostering empathy in our children is vital for their emotional and social development. As children navigate the intricate web of relationships and interactions...

4 Ways to Foster a Love for Reading in Your Child

Digital entertainment rules today; Netflix, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok are forms of entertainment that have emerged over the past few years. With such forms of entertainment, nurturing a love for...

What is mindfulness and why is it important?

In today’s fast-paced world, mindfulness has become increasingly important, especially in the education sector...

7 Things to Look Out for When Choosing a Student Care Centre for Your Child

For parents lacking the luxury of hiring a domestic helper or leaving their child with family members, choosing the right after-school student care centre can become a daunting task...